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Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

Who's Who: Governors


Welcome to the St Paul’s Governing body webpage. 


Here you will be able to find out more about the current governors and the vital role they play in the life of our school.

The governing body has three core functions:

·Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

·Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff

·Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

At St Paul’s Primary School, all Governors put the needs of the children at the heart of the decisions they make.


What do the Governors do ?

At St Paul’s we have up to ten governors, these are drawn from staff, elected parents, the local authority and co-opted governors recruited for their skills. Governors are all unpaid volunteers who are passionate about ensuring St Paul’s continues to thrive. They do this by ensuring they have a full understanding of the functioning of the school, by monitoring performance and by providing support and challenge. Their role is entirely strategic and they do not get involved in the day to day running of the school, that is delegated to the headteacher.

Governors discuss and have input on:

  • Overall strategy of the school
  • School policies, such as safeguarding, bullying, behaviour, admissions and health & safety
  • School Development Plan
  • How the school budget is spent
  • Appointment and dismissal of staff including the Head Teacher
  • Complaints from staff and parents
  • Repair and maintenance of school buildings
  • Ensuring the school fulfils its legal duties

Governors are appointed for four year terms and annually elect the chair, who cannot be a member of staff. They sign of code of conduct to show their commitment to the role.

At St Paul’s the Full Governing body meets at least six times a year. There is also a Resources Committee which meets a further six times a year to provide close focus on school finances and staffing.

The responsibilities are outlined in the St Paul’s scheme of delegation.


In addition to attending school meetings, governors have link roles to help them more closely monitor the school. Some links are determined by the governing body while others are required by the government, such as safeguarding and special educational needs and disabilities.


If you are interested in learning more about the work of the governing body or would like to see if there is a vacancy to join us please contact the Chair of Governors on or contact the school office.


Instrument of Government

2022-2023 Governor Terms of Office

My name is Janet Serevena and I joined the Governing Body in 2022 before becoming Chair of Governors in September 2023. I am a Parent Governor with two children at St Paul's and previously worked in children’s publishing for nearly a decade.

When I first visited St Paul's, the thing that impressed me most was the friendly, comfortable and caring atmosphere throughout the school, setting a positive environment for learning and helping each child to be their best. Joining the Governing Body, I am proud to help the school maintain and strengthen these values to ensure all children are supported to reach their individual potential. 

I'm Melanie Collins and I work as a civil servant in further education policy in the Department for Education. I've been a Governor at St Paul's since November 2016, and was Chair of Governors from 2017-2023. I have two boys – my younger one is still at St Paul's, and my husband is an assistant head in a secondary school.


When I first looked around St Paul's, I was really struck by the value that the school placed on the children's emotional wellbeing. I really wanted to be able to do something to ensure those values were maintained and clearly echoed through everything that the school did, and I love how being a Governor enables me to bring my skills and experience from the non-teaching world to help the school to ensure its strategy echoes its values.


You can also sometimes also see me in school in a non-governor capacity with my therapy dog, Elin the Borzoi.

My name is Lisa Wilkins, I am a teacher at the school and the staff representative for the governing body. I have been a governor for over 10 years. Being the voice of the whole staff  is a real privilege and I enjoy representing the strong team that we have here in school. Being a governor also gives me an insight into the strategic side of school management and I enjoy learning  about how things operate beyond the classroom. 

I’m Anneliese Hillyer-Thake, I have worked in the NHS since 1995. I joined St Paul’s Governors in 2019. I specialise in Safeguarding the most vulnerable and have worked in this area of work since 2004. 

I have been a governor in a number of schools over some years, helping and supporting with safeguarding. 

I really enjoy being a Governor at St Paul’s, the atmosphere within the school is warm and friendly. The staff are dedicated to supporting every child in being the best they can be. I love the forest school approach and the outside learning opportunities, this really appeals to me. 

I’m Kirsty Martin. I joined the governing board just before Christmas 2021 without knowing very much about St Paul’s. I’ve been so impressed by the love and care shown to the children whenever I have visited and can see how much effort goes in to supporting their learning through lessons and play. I’m the Special Educational Needs governor and I hope to help improve the chances of children with a higher level of need. I’m also chair of governors at Hardenhuish School and chair of the Wiltshire Governors’ Association.

Hi, my name is Miriam Ovens. I am pleased to be joining the governing body at St. Paul's School. I have 4 children, two who have now left St. Pauls, one in year 1, and my youngest is currently in preschool.  I moved to Chippenham in 2013 and since being here I have spent my time volunteering and working in a variety of roles including tutoring, exam marking and of course looking after my children. Before all of this I was a secondary maths teacher for about 10 years.
During the time that my children attended (and continue to attend) St. Paul's School I have seen how kind and caring the staff are. They genuinely want each child to do their very best. I have a child with SEND and the school have been very supportive in dealing with the many challenges this brings. I enjoy being able to go to good work assemblies and see the school celebrating students’ individual successes and achievements no matter how big or small these may be, placing an importance not just on academic achievement but also on values such as generosity, kindness, and helpfulness. As a governor I hope I can support the good work already happening at St. Paul's School and encourage it further.
