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Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow

Maud Heath Y4/5 Miss Barnes

Welcome to Term 4 in Maud Heath!
Once again, we're off to a great start with our new topics! 

English: Poetry
Maths: Fractions and decimals
Geography: All Around the World
DT: Fashion and textiles
Science: Year 5: Living things and their habitats
Science: Year 4: States of matter
Computing: Data Logging
PE: Swimming
PSHE: Rights and Responsibilities

See the link below for vocabulary for each topic and key dates for the term.

Welcome to Term 3 in Maud Heath!
We're off to a fantastic start with our new topics! 

English: Narrative
Maths: Multiplication, Division, Perimeter, Area
History: Anglo Saxons
Art: Van Gogh and Picasso
Science: Year 5: Properties and changes of materials
Science: Year 4: Living things and their habitats
Computing: Photo editing
PE: Swimming
PSHE: Keeping Safe

See the link below for vocabulary for each topic and notes on key dates for the term.

Welcome to term 2 in Maud Heath!


We've had a great term last term and your children have worked so hard! 

Our term 2 topics:
English: Non-chronological reports - Emperor Penguins
Maths: Multiplication and Division (3s, 4s, 6s)
Geography: UK and France
DT: Building bridges
Science Y4: animals including humans
Science Y5: space and the solar system
PSHE: valuing differences
French: Months of the year
Computing: audio editing
PE: Dance

Please see the attached parent newsletter for vocabulary linked with each topic.


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